Do you have any feedback or questions about our festival? Want to become a board member (oh hey there potential treasurers!), join a committee, or volunteer in another capacity? Interested in helping with the construction of the Snowcastle or organizing the Festival? Do you want to provide us with a testimonial? Simply looking for more information?

Mailing Address

P.O.Box 20089 Panda Centre
Yellowknife, NT X1A 3X8

Important Contacts

Program Coordinator (Sir Slush, Taylor)

Carving Symposium Coordinator (Sir Keith Cool)

Sponsorship Coordinator (SnowPoke)

Digital & Web Manager (Virtual Snowman, Shane Keller)

For everything else contact our Festival Director (Ice Da B’y, Tim Mercer)

The Google Map to the Snowcastle

The Classic Map to the Snowcastle

Map to the Snowcastle